There are two upcoming events you may want to know about.

Two of the most influential bands in Rock history are releasing 50th anniversary celebration remembrances. Since they both will never perform as their original configurations again, this is the closest we will be allowed to celebrate and remember those glorious days when all you had to do was turn on the radio to revel in the majesty of these legends.

My personal journey into Rock n Roll started the evening I heard this

I clearly remember my older sister and her friend excitingly talking all afternoon about their plans and preparations to watch the Ed Sullivan show that evening. I wondered what could possibly be so important on the show to warrant her excitement. I had seen his show many times, and enjoyed the plate spinners, puppets, and the other fun people he would have on.  Little did I know how my life would change that night. It’s been a passion that has lasted 54 years, and I couldn’t have wished for a more rewarding path to have taken.

We all listened and sang along in the early years ( well, those of us alive at the time) and waited for the next song to come out. And they did, hit after hit.

In 1967 they released “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band”. A stunning album to say the least. Taking a break from those recording sessions, they went to India and attended a Transcendental Meditation course under the guidance of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. The retreat involved long periods of meditation, conceived by the band as a spiritual respite from all worldly endeavours – a chance, in John Lennon’s words, to “get away from everything”.

Due to that influence, while there and after their return, they wrote 40 new compositions, 30 of which became their next album commonly called “The White Album” but officially named “The Beatles”. That album was released in November 1968.

It’s been 50 years since then (I checked and it adds up). They are releasing a remastered collection of that album with extras. It would be better to send you to this article which will explain it all.

The next item is a book, not an audio collection. What can I say about Led Zeppelin that hasn’t been said? One of the most talented, groundbreaking, innovative groups to ever play Rock and the Blues. Asking what your favorite song of theirs is can’t have a single answer. They have, and will continue, to hold a place in music history which they rightly deserve. In lieu of a song from them, here’s some younger kids listening to them for the first time:


I’m pretty sure Jake is in a metal band by now.


In celebration of their formation 50 years ago, they are releasing “Led Zeppelin by Led Zeppelin, the first and only official illustrated book to be produced in collaboration with the members of the band.” It will be released on 2 October 2018. Check it out

I just thought you all might enjoy these and wanted you to be aware of them. I guess I should point out that I am not associated or involved in any way with these websites, any companies or parties of the products, the bands involved, and that I am not currently, and have never been, a member of these bands.

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