The Blues and Jazz of the 1900 – 1950’s had a child and named it Rock N Roll. Birthed in the ’50’s, it went through its puberty during the ’60’s and called itself Rock. Wild, crazy, impetuous, and rebellious (sound familiar?), Rock reflected and pushed the boundaries of music and society. It grew up to be the music we all listen to today.
I’ve spent a good deal of time searching and documenting some of the important and seminal songs that helped shape our music. I started out one day just to post a few songs from my collection. Once I got started, I kept coming across references to other songs and musicians that needed to be remembered. It’s become an obsession, and passion, to keep the music of that time alive. I focused mainly on the lesser-known songs that influenced those of the time and what came later. I’ve tried to help illustrate the who, what, and why of the song. Of course, my selections are just that, mine. Many others have posted songs that should be, and need to be, remembered and enjoyed, so please feel free to add your own favorites.
The information posted here is by no means meant to be an authoritative, exhaustive treatment of each song or artists. This information has been compiled from many sources, edited for readability, and attempted to verify. The last is the hardest as many times the folk tales of these artists and songs are “enhanced” by the artists, managers, and record company representatives for various reasons, including ego, sales, and plain mis-remembering (it was the ’60’s after all). Legends and fables have always existed, many of which are the sources of some of these songs.
This site is intended for everyone to share, learn, and discuss the memories and origins of an era that shaped the world, has people talking, dancing, reflecting, crying, and laughing (many times at ourselves). So join us in a trip down memory lane and help keep the joy of this time alive because the only time a song truly dies is the last time someone listens to it.
So “put another dime in the jukebox, baby”, pull up a stool, and join me on a journey.
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